Church in Penang


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We are passionate in the preaching of the Word of God because we earnestly and boldly believe that it has the power to change your life. Tune in weekly to be inspired, empowered and equipped to live a better life and be better at life.

And beyond that, we would love to be at your service to walk this meaningful journey with Jesus together with you.


Weekly 5-minute read on discipleship, sermon recaps, and more!

Clearing The Clutter

A new year makes all good things seem possible! There is something about the clock striking midnight on the last day of the year that ushers in a new beginning, and with that the hope for better days ahead. And this is why we make resolutions and set goals when a new year dawns. We do them in the hope that they will guide us towards a greater and happier year. 

Fresh Faith For A New Beginning

A new year makes all good things seem possible! There is something about the clock striking midnight on the last day of the year that ushers in a new beginning, and with that the hope for better days ahead. And this is why we make resolutions and set goals when a new year dawns. We do them in the hope that they will guide us towards a greater and happier year. 


Grasping The Wind?

Vanity of vanities, all is vanity! So cried the writer of Ecclesiastes in the Bible.  He was beyond frustrated by the meaningless of life. There seemed to be no lasting satisfaction.


The Magnitude of Self-Control

God knows that it is difficult for us as fallen humanity to choose self-control when we are constantly given the opportunities, and even the encouragement to choose self-gratification and indulgence. God has made his grace, his supernatural enabling available to us to resist that which would lead us down the path of regret, pain, and failure in life.


The Attitude of Gratitude

One of the first things that we are taught as children is to say ‘thank you.’ But as we grow into adulthood, this practice often becomes a formality. It is a social norm to say thank you. We say it without much thought or even without feeling thankful. In the Bible, however, thanksgiving is not just a polite gesture but a command of God.


Offering, Tithes, and Special funds

2 Corinthians 9:6
Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.



No matter what’s your story or where you come from, this is a place you can belong. 
Join one of our empowering communities today!


IT IS PHENOMINAL! A youth community consisting of middle school to college-aged youth who unite under the common desire to make a social impact by spreading the contagious love of God with the world!

Phenom is a vibrant, diversified, and friendly community and has regular events and outings together showcased through @phenomyouth on Instagram!

Welcome to Audacity Kidz


Welcome to Audacity Kidz, the youngest warriors of the church! At Audacity Kidz, our children experience the goodness of God through art, games, and worship.

Audacity Kidz services are full of fun because our God is a fun God!


Audacity Chinese 相信,上帝对于这片土地的中文社区拥有独特而宝贵的计划,因此,我们胆敢相信并积极在中文社区传扬祂的话,因为上帝有能力!如果你是说中文的人,我们欢迎你加入成为这个家庭的一份子!现在就加入我们 @audacitychinese.

Welcome to Audacity Chinese

Real people. Real stories.

God Did The Impossible And My Prayer Was Answered

By A Church Member

Getting out of a relationship is never easy, and it’s hard to write about. But God’s goodness and mercy has never failed…..

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From Pit To Blessing

By A Church Member

During I AM! Conference this year, I was going through a rough patch because I have just ended my 6-year relationship. …….

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In The Midst Of Opposition, It Was A Turning Point For My Brother

By A Church Member

In 2019, my brother accepted Christ! Which was really a good start for us as a family, but it didn't really progress from there because…

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Nothing Is Impossible As Long As You Believe

By A Church Member

My friend is a cancer survivor and recently she found a lump near her stomach. Doctor suspected that it could be a relapse of cancer.

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That Was The First Time I’ve Gotten Emotionally Joyful With Tears

By Adam

I truly want to praise and thank our Lord Almighty for using me as His vessel to reach and save the lost to His Kingdom.

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